Blog Posts

Below are our blog posts about recent developments in the areas of Estate, Family and Personal Injury law as well as comments on some recent important decisions from the BC Supreme Court, BC Court of Appeal and the Supreme Court of Canada. Our blogs are written by the legal minds of Richter Trial Lawyers, including our managing partner, John M. Richter.

Settlement Offers and Releases: Pitfalls and Problems
August 21, 2020

Settlement Offers and Releases: Pitfalls and Problems Most litigants are able to resolve their issues without trial by agreement. Releases are a standard part of the process and provide assurance to both sides of the transaction that the issue has been laid to rest and neither side can bring any future claims. Often the releases […]

Yes, your insurer is obligated to deal with your insurance claim in “good faith”. What does that mean?
October 31, 2019

Yes, your insurer is obligated to deal with your insurance claim in “good faith”. What does that mean? When you purchase any insurance policy such as extended medical, travel, auto, or homeowners, your insurance company is required to deal with you fairly when you make an insurance claim for benefits under your policy. An insurer […]

How will the changes to ICBC impact your personal injury claims?
April 26, 2018

If you, or your family and friends, were injured in a motor vehicle accident, you should be aware that the government of British Columbia is in the process of making significant changes to the Insurance Corporation of British Columbia (ICBC). While the amendments will come into force on April 1, 2019, some provisions will be […]

Small Accidents Can Cause Big Injuries
March 30, 2017

In Parker v. Martin, 2017 BCSC 446, a chiropractor was injured while backing out of a parking stall. While he stopped to let a pedestrian walk by, another pickup truck that was also backing up bumped into his vehicle. Although it was a low speed accident, the plaintiff was injured as a result. The plaintiff […]

What are Court Costs?
September 29, 2016

Court costs are often awarded by a court after a trial or application to whichever party was successful. Their purpose is in part to stop parties from bringing claims that have no chance of success and they may be used to hedge poor behaviour by parties during litigation. Another purpose of court costs is that […]

Late Disclosure at Trial results in award of Special Costs against ICBC.
August 15, 2016

The goodfirm ICBC personal injury lawyers want to draw attention to a recent personal injury case in which ICBC was ordered to pay special cost for failing obey a court order to disclose the existence of surveillance footage. In Norris v. Burgess, 2016 BCSC 1451 (CanLII), a plaintiff was injured in a motorcycle accident. After […]

Don’t go it alone: A cautionary tale of self-representation at the BC Supreme Court in motor vehicle cases
July 2, 2016

Don’t go it alone: A cautionary tale of self-representation at the BC Supreme Court in motor vehicle cases Richter Trial Lawyers, the goodfirm ICBC car accident lawyers want to share a recent case from the BC Supreme Court reiterating the dangers of opting to “go it alone” at trial. In Mather v. MacDonald 2016 BCSC […]

ICBC Denied leave to appeal to Supreme Court of Canada for expansive MVA Ruling
April 21, 2016

The good firm ICBC lawyers want to share the latest development in the area of ICBC personal injury law. On April 14, 2016, the Supreme Court of Canada declined to hear an appeal from the Insurance Corporation of British Columbia in relation to the 2015 decision of Felix v. Insurance Corporation of British Columbia 2014 […]

ICBC Lawyers | Conflict of Interest| Disqualified: Conflict of Interests in ICBC Personal Injury Cases
April 7, 2016

The good firm ICBC lawyers want to warn families and couples injured in a car accident of a potential conflict of interest. A recent ruling in a personal injury case illustrates how conflicts of interest can arise when couples and families seek legal representation together. In Hanlan v. Wilson, 2016 BCSC 372, the British Columbia Supreme […]

Maestro in Personal Injury Claims
August 12, 2013

Maestro Maestro is an interactive touchscreen program used with a big-screen television that has enhanced the way personal injury lawyers present evidence to injuries that cannot be seen by the eye. The user controls diagrams, documents and pictures on the television by swiping his/her fingers across the screen. The control includes cropping, highlighting and sweeping […]

Car Accident Checklist
August 1, 2012

Involved in a car accident? Richter Trial Lawyers | thegoodfirm has created this car accident checklist of things you should keep in mind when you’re involved in a car accident. We suggest that even if you haven’t been involved in an accident, in order to keep yourself prepared,  you should print this and keep it […]

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